
Dental deep cleaning

Deep Cleaning: What to Expect During Your Future Dentist Cleaning!

When was the last time you went for a dental cleaning? Regular visits to the dentist are crucial for maintaining good oral health. However, when your dentist recommends a “deep cleaning,” it can be a cause for concern. But what exactly are deep teeth cleaning? In this blog, we will answer all your questions and help you prepare for your next cleaning appointment. You’ll learn about the differences between regular cleanings and deep cleanings, why you may need one, and what to expect during and after the procedure. So take a deep breath, relax, and let’s dive into the world of deep teeth cleaning.

What are deep teeth cleaning?

Deep teeth cleaning, also called scaling and root planing, is a procedure that involves precisely removing tartar and plaque from teeth both above and below the gum line. This is not a routine treatment, only necessary for signs of gum disease such as inflammation, bleeding, and changes in tooth position. Deep cleaning is an essential step to restore gum health and to reduce the gap between teeth and gums. This procedure can slow or halt the progression of gum disease and sometimes, it is used to prevent teeth loss. Scaling and root planing are the two major components of deep cleaning. Scaling involves cleaning above and below the gum line, while root planing smoothes the root surfaces to promote the healing process. Even though it is slightly different from routine cleanings, deep cleaning tackles active periodontal disease, aiming to eliminate infection and save teeth from any further damage.

When is Deep Cleaning Necessary?

Deep cleaning is necessary for patients with periodontitis. Periodontitis is an advanced stage of gum disease, where bacteria have caused significant damage to the periodontal tissues. Deep cleaning appointments are typically divided into two visits, with half of the mouth cleaned during each. The duration of a deep cleaning may vary depending on several factors, such as the patient’s condition and the level of tartar buildup.

Deep cleaning involves removing tartar buildup and bacteria from the gum line and tooth roots. This may require scaling and root planning procedures. Dress in comfortable clothing for the appointment and inquire about laughing gas or other sedation options to make you feel more comfortable during the procedure. Remember, a deep cleaning can help prevent further damage to your oral health and save you from costly dental treatments in the future.

Your first deep teeth cleaning appointment

When you visit your dentist for a deep teeth cleaning appointment, you can expect a thorough examination of your teeth and gums. Your dentist or dental hygienist may recommend a deep cleaning if signs of gum disease are present. Deep cleaning involves scaling and root planing to remove plaque and tartar from below the gum line. Deep cleaning is typically spread over multiple visits to ensure that it is done correctly. Patients can also ask for laughing gas if needed to help them relax during the procedure. It is essential to prepare for the deep cleaning appointment by cleaning your mouth and preparing your immune system. Gum disease can lead to tooth loss if not treated properly, so deep cleaning is essential to maintain good oral health.

Does deep cleaning stop gum disease?

Deep cleaning can be necessary when there are signs of gum disease present. This procedure, also known as scaling and root planing, involves removing plaque and tartar from above and below the gum line to reduce the pocket size and halt the progression of gingivitis. By removing the bacteria, deep cleaning helps prevent the spread of bacteria from the gums to the teeth and can prevent further tooth loss.

Deep cleaning can also help prevent gum bleeding and stop the progression of gum disease. However, it is important to remember that early treatment and good oral hygiene practices, like regular brushing and flossing, are crucial to ensure that gum disease doesn’t return. Deep cleaning is only one part of gum disease treatment, so it is important to work closely with your dentist to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Why would a dentist do a deep cleaning?

A dentist may recommend a deep cleaning, also known as gum therapy, to prevent periodontitis and infection. This is a more extensive cleaning that goes beyond a standard cleaning and involves cleaning between the gums and teeth down to the roots.

Although a deep cleaning can be painful, local anesthesia can help. Scaling and root planing are used to remove plaque, tartar, and bacteria below the gum line, which can prevent gum disease and improve oral health. If your dentist recommends a deep cleaning, it is important to follow through with the treatment to avoid potential complications.

What technology is used to help with a deep cleaning?

Dental deep cleaning involves the use of special technology to remove plaque and bacteria below the gum line, helping to prevent gum disease and reduce the risk of infection. 

Unlike routine dental cleaning that targets teeth at and above the gum line, deep cleaning requires special techniques to remove tough plaque and tartar buildup. Our laser technology used at Bateson Dentistry can ward off and repair gum disease. 

After deep cleaning, minor swelling, sensitivity, and bleeding are normal. However, these symptoms usually resolve quickly, leaving you with a healthier, cleaner smile.

What to Expect After Deep Cleaning

After a deep dental cleaning, some sensitivity and soreness may occur, but this is all normal. To make the experience as comfortable as possible, consider dressing in comfortable clothing, and bring a blanket or earbuds. 

To ensure the best results, it is essential to avoid hard, crunchy, or sticky foods after deep cleaning. Use desensitizing toothpaste, and consider rinsing the mouth with saltwater.

You can expect two visits, with each visit covering half of the mouth. Deep cleaning is a preventive measure against periodontitis and infection, so be sure to attend your appointment for your overall oral health.


In summary, a deep teeth cleaning procedure helps prevent gum diseases and ensures that your teeth and gums are healthy. During your first appointment, the dentist will examine your teeth to check your oral health and determine whether you need deep cleaning. After the cleaning, you may experience some discomfort and sensitivity, but this will eventually fade. Maintaining good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing regularly and scheduling regular dental checkups is critical. 

Looking for exceptional dental care services? We are dedicated to having advanced technology, including our laser to help this deep cleaning process. Get in touch with us today at Bateson Dentistry to schedule your appointment.

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