
With Dental Crowns, You Can Restore Your Teeth!

With Dental Crowns, You Can Restore Your Teeth!

Are you tired of hiding your smile due to damaged or decayed teeth? Dental crowns may be the solution for you! They are a popular choice in restorative dentistry and for good reason. Dental crowns can help restore your teeth to their former glory, leaving you with a beautiful and healthy smile. In this blog post, we will discuss everything there is to know about dental crowns. So sit back, relax, and let’s dive into the world of dental crowns!

Types Of Dental Crowns

Dental crown options vary in materials and designs. Ceramic crowns make the best choice for natural-looking front teeth. PFM crowns offer both durability and strength with a natural look. Patients may opt for gold alloy crowns for long-lasting durability even though they might not be very popular due to their metallic appearance. Base metal alloy provides excellent resistance to wear, making them the perfect choice for back teeth restorations.

Porcelain Crowns

Restoring a damaged tooth with a dental crown may involve several options, but porcelain crowns have emerged as an increasingly popular choice. Porcelain crowns are crafted from a ceramic material that provides high durability while still resembling natural tooth enamel. In addition to their aesthetic appeal, porcelain crowns can blend seamlessly with your other teeth and require less removal of the tooth structure than other types of dental crowns. Whether you’re seeking to repair a cavity or replace a missing tooth, porcelain crowns may be an excellent option to consider in consultation with your dentist.

Zirconia Crowns

Zirconia crowns, a type of dental crown made from zirconium oxide, are an ideal choice for those seeking a natural-looking restoration that is both durable and long-lasting. These crowns can be color-matched to surrounding teeth and resist chipping and cracking, making them a popular option for those who grind or clench their teeth. While they may be more expensive than other types of crowns, the investment is worth it as they offer excellent value in terms of longevity and appearance. With proper care and maintenance, your new zirconia crown can last for years to come.

Who Needs A Dental Crown?

Dental crowns are suitable for individuals with damaged or decayed teeth, large fillings, or who have undergone root canal treatment. They can also enhance the appearance of misshapen or discolored teeth. It is recommended to consult with a dentist to determine if a dental crown is necessary.

Dental Crown Care

Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial when it comes to taking care of your dental crown. Regular brushing and flossing will help keep your natural teeth healthy as well as the crowned tooth. Be sure to avoid hard or sticky foods that can damage your crown. Following a healthy diet may also benefit the longevity of the crown as well as your overall oral health. Visits to the dentist every six months for check-ups and cleanings may also help maintain the health of both natural teeth and crowns alike.

Tips For Taking Care Of Your Crown

To maintain the longevity of your dental crown and ensure optimal oral health, it’s crucial to follow a few simple tips. To start with, make sure to brush and floss regularly like you would with natural teeth. Avoid consuming hard or sticky foods that could potentially damage or dislodge the crown. Visit your dentist for regular check-ups and cleanings to ensure proper functioning and identify any issues before they worsen. If you do experience any discomfort or sensitivity with your crown, don’t hesitate to reach out to your dentist for guidance on the next steps.

The Role Of A Dentist In Dental Crowns

A successful dental crown restoration relies heavily on dentists who determine the ideal type of crown for damaged or decayed teeth. Dental professionals craft customized crowns that blend seamlessly with natural teeth in both color and shape. A precise fit is ensured during the procedure while aligning with surrounding teeth to promote maximum functionality. Aftercare instructions provided by dentists further extend the life of these restorations. Keep in mind that maintaining oral health through regular visits can aid in preventing potential damage.

How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

The lifespan of dental crowns can vary from 5 to 15 years or longer, depending on factors like oral hygiene and the type of material used. Porcelain and zirconia crowns tend to be more durable than metal or resin-based ones. Regular dental check-ups are crucial for detecting any problems and prolonging the crown’s lifespan.


Dental crowns are an excellent way to restore your teeth and improve your oral health. With several types of dental crowns available, you can choose the option that works best for your needs and budget. From porcelain crowns to zirconia crowns, there is a solution that suits everyone. It is essential to take care of your dental crown properly by maintaining good oral hygiene practices and avoiding bad habits like teeth grinding or biting into hard foods. If you experience any complications with your crown, contact your dentist immediately. Regular check-ups and consultations with your dentist can help ensure the longevity of your dental crown. If you are considering getting a dental crown, consult with our experts to know more about the procedure, and options available to you. Contact us today at Bateson Dentistry

dr angela

Angela Bateson, DDS

Our team of dental professionals takes pride in the opportunity to bring a positive, long-lasting impact on your overall health.

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